pomba gira
beneath yr sway i have fallen, not once but
many times,drawn to u like a shark to blood
in the water, yr comeliness, a solicitation,
a knowing brush of a playful hand against my
tumescent need; u who are spouse to the
first among òrìşà,
the one who goes whither he pleases, is bound
by neither law nor rule, who flows against
destiny through the cracks & crevices of fate,
along the seams separating parallel worlds &
multiple realities, over the precipice of human
folly; who tests us at every crossroad & punishes
us today for what we may do tomorrow – do u
really exist apart from him or are u just one of
his many paths?
i invoke yr aid, pomba gira, because i cynically
know u will help the truly desperate. when no
other òrìşà will answer the plea, yr patronage is
always for sale & u always get paid in advance.
u have led me to wives & lovers convinced that i
was the magical piece missing from their lives;
that i could & would complete them. they would
dazzle me with incomparable enticements to keep
me from leaving; to keep me from seeing what
they were hiding – those potent secrets best
kept away from prying eyes:
a father’s salacious abuse piled on an innocent
who kept the faith & family secret – the serial
violations visited on an innocent so very
desperate to belong;
or the innocent tricked into fellating a trusted
family friend while in his care; who with fearful
infirm purpose received a perverse prize for
good behavior.
or yet again the innocent, abandoned on a refuse
heap beneath a blanket of flies; who seeks self
worth in real life pulchritudinous jackpots &
episodic debauchery.
or lastly, the innocent exploratory body play
among siblings that turned terribly serious &
sexual; underscored by the death of one & the
overwhelming neurotic guilt of the love-addicted
& of course i saw them, these secrets; learned
about them. these wives & lovers had a salubrious
need to tell their secrets to me & i heard over
their whispered confidences eşu’s raucous
laughter. had i just listened
to them, they might have healed on their own,
might have purged themselves in nonjudgmental
ears; drained the poison of the past from their
deep emotional wounds. might have forgiven
those who caused them pain;
might have forgiven themselves. but i couldn’t
leave any of it alone; i had to help. i had to dress
my need to control in therapeutic whites & tell
them what to do. i had to be right at their expense
& play upon their guilt. some I drove screaming
into the night; drove all of them all away.
how many times have i come back to u, pomba
gira, with my thirty pieces of tribute & the same
supplications that hope for a different ending?
are u truly a sacred harlot or merely the hand of
eşu squeezing my scrotum?
can u translate my sexual indiscretions into a
series of great mystical rites or do u expose me
for the fool i am? are yr breasts, so round, so
plump & firm, the enticing,passion fruit of love
or merely eşu’s prurient tools to plunge me into
debauchery’s murky depths. can those lips of yrs
that so glibly lie, mouth the sacred mysteries i
crave i? is yr well of delight a redemptive revelation
or a cauldron of concupiscence?
are u a divine sexual road in disguise or just a
metaphor for human hubris at best?
©Joseph McNair;2009
This image uses the color to show love but this red is not showing passionate love but painful love. The poem introuduces the audience to an individual that has become so in love to something or someone, and cannot let go. I thimk that we all come across this point in life where we think we are in love but time will tell. We should all just let it go.
ReplyDeletean interesting point of view, lisa