for armando “chick” corea
(1941 --a villenelle
hard bop proclivities & avante garde dispositions roiled in yr musician soul,
transient, finite, existing in time, negating the negation, defying definitions.
classical music was a just way to learn to play, but jazz allowed u the juxtapositions
u sought of tempo, virtuosity & improvisation, a way to fuse competing feels in
angular melodies, latin-swing rhythms, extended, structured compositions.
cathartic best describes the change that leads to turning points. contradictions
spiral, effervescent progressive rock stirs up the mix, makes the music helical,
transient, finite, existing in time, negating the negation, defying definitions.
u give yr passion wings. yr spanish heart pilots yr sonorous explorations
sometimes charted, sometimes floated; whatever the heart feels, pours into yr
angular melodies, latin-swing rhythms, extended, structured compositions.
redemption at the keyboards. blurring the line between yr many dispositions,
& freeform outbursts, fusion & rock; a synthesis is realized, a new u steps forth
transient, finite, existing in time, negating the negation, defying definitions.
yr voracious musical appetites compelled u to blithe quixotic explorations
of a wider musical world, while evolving a distinctive & venerable voice within
angular melodies, latin-swing rhythms, extended, structured compositions;
transient, finite, existing in time, negating the negation, defying definitions.
© Joseph McNair
this is a beautiful villenelle. why is the formatting so funky?
ReplyDeleteJoe, I'm interested in WHY you chose this form for Chick Correa?
ReplyDeleteIt is a villenelle as you know and I have liked this form because its distinctive pattern of rhyme & repetition fits my conceptions of particular jazz artists. The problem here is formatting.my lines are long nd the rhyming words end up on the next line. I am still trying to adjust this by playing with html code. Chick Corea for me is very villenelle!
ReplyDeleteMy Lionel Hampton poem is also a villenelle