olori orite
u found yr way to me, coming on a million tiny dancing feet
like the fog rolling in from some promnesiac encounter whose
exact circumstances are chimerical, nubilous & misty, bringing
to my life a certain otherworldly gratifying of a deep melancholy
thirst, like looking down on a key west cloud bank, shortly before
or after sunset, & seeing/hearing the white, feathery glory of a
million droplets of water & ice singing to my parched soul.
i gaze down on the fleecy white & dreaded locks which crown yr
head, a crown which awakens all pleasure, & know why the afefe
wind drinks so deeply of yr sweet waters, lifts them up & carries
them to thirsty fields & lands; to the sea. i, too, will drink deep,
but i will keep u close; inhale yr fragrant power, taste yr pungent
honey & grow stronger than I have been, strong & stout enough
for u, spirit of earth who wanders freely, o male odale o san rere!
© Joseph McNair; 2009
ReplyDeleteu found yr way to me, coming on a million tiny dancing feet
like the fog rolling in from some promnesiac encounter
Thank you, Geoff