Thursday, August 6, 2009

for bastet on her birthday (3)

for bastet on her birthday

how can we not recognize you,
goddess, honor & adore u,
words that glorify, almost deify,
& adorn like a double crown the

proverbial little shecat who has
smashed or leaped high over

barriers that cage too many
women; who forced us all to

acknowledge yr needs, those
needs much more elaborate
than love or sexual satisfaction
which seem almost trivial
in the
face of others u have realized.
we respect u because
u respect
yrself. we honor u because
u give yrself honor.
we know
yr strength because we have
leaned on u. we have
long enough to celebrate yr
many achievements.we
watched u come thru tears &
trials. we have seen u
fickle & feckless fate, evoke
infectious joy, seize
independence, proclaim yr
freedom …& dance -- belly
dance, flamenco dance, spirit
we have watched u
grow more comfortable in yr
skin. we have watched u come
into yrself & glow ... & we will
watch u step lightly, joyously
the eternal present.

© Joseph McNair; 2009


  1. Wow!! You always leave me speechless...and all I can think of is wow...thank you for the honor of your creativity!!! what a Birthday present...I like 55...Much Love

  2. It is as always a pleasure, goddess!
